Although using one of our magnificent Premium WordPress Themes gives you an excellent foundation for building an outstanding site, you may not be seeing the kind of page views your anticipated or even worse, you brand new site has a large bounce-rate so people are actually turning away from your offering before delving deeper. Today’s post aims to give you some quick and simple tips you can put into action right away, as well as things to consider to make your users browsing experience and enticing and pleasurable as possible.
De-clutter/Rethink Your Main Navigation.
One of the least considered aspects when creating a new site is the main navigation used throughout your pages. Although many themes are capable of creating huge menus with layer upon layer sub menus which, unless your the person who created them, can be very daunting for your users to peruse, after all, if someone lands on your sites and want to find some specific area or page relating to your business – if that page’s link is hidden three levels deep into a massive dropdown, they are much more likely to simply give up and go somewhere else so be sure to take the time needed to really decide what is crucial for sites visitors so they can find what they need fast.
One good way of handling this is using a mega menu such as the system available within our popular Themes, Pillar and Foundry which can help you create a concise but stylish user experience by having all the pages you want all available in one neat dropdown, which give your visitors a fantastic user experience and give you a powerful tool for bringing your key content/pages to the users attentions.
Give Your Site a Facelift
If you have been using the same Theme for some time but your stats are leaving a lot to be desired then one of the best things you can do to keep any new visitors engaged is to give you site a new lick of paint by using a new theme. WordPress Themes have come a long way in recent years, and can offer incredibly powerful platforms for re-building your personal or business homepage, and although we are quite rightly biased, our flagship theme Pillar for WordPress is the cream of the crop as it gives you everything you need to create an incredibly attractive and lightweight design without all the useless bloat many Premium Themes provide in an effort to offer more value.
Using a theme such as Pillar or Foundry you can craft impeccable designs for your business or services – however for a more in depth look into just how much they can help, you should check out our article Creating an Awesome Agency or Portfolio Site.
Avoid The Same Old Stock Images
In recent years there have been many places popping up online which aim to offer high quality stock images you can use totally free of charge, in fact iv created a round up of the best free resources here but there is one major draw back if your only using free stock images – your users will most likely have seen them all before. If your using the same images as everyone else, there is going to be very little to differentiate you from the rest so its a great idea to spice things up and invest some money in some good quality imagery for your project. The worlds leading platform to find any kind of image you would wish for is of course the monstrous PhotoDune, but be warned, there are so many images to choose from, try not to waste too much time and be decisive when making a purchase.
Fix or Remove Broken Links
This may seem oblivious to some, but even a few broken links dotted around your site can create a black-hole for your visitors which can be devastating for your on-page time, thankfully, as with many things with WordPress land, there is a plugin which can help. WP Broken Link Checker is a simple tool which can sniff out any dodgy links for you in no time, so be sure to keep on top of them and avoid losing visitors today.
The post Improving Your Sites Page Views/Decrease Bounce Rates appeared first on TommusRhodus.