In this post we will take a dive through the Settings area of your WordPress admin area. For some this is a rarly visited zone of confusion, so we are going to explorer what options are available here, what they do, and how to set things up ‘the right way’.
General Settings
Site Title: Quite simply this is the main title for your domain. This is the title which is displayed in your visitors browser and is used by Google to build your search listing so keeping things relevant and clean here are a must. Depending on the theme, this is also the text displayed when no logo is present/provided.
Site Tagline: Much like the site title we cover above – this is supplementary text used to describe your blog. In many themes this is not displayed however, but do take care to keep things relevant to your sites content for good SEO.
WordPress/Site URL: This is the domain where your site is hosted, in most cases WordPress will fill this information for you, however if your changing your domain, or perhaps setting up a HTTPS plugin, you may need to change things here. As this post series is aimed at the beginner WP users, we wont cover this too much at this stage.
Email Address: This is the address used when WordPress is sending out notifications, and in many themes this address is used as the main contact email so be sure use an address you have full access to.
Membership: If you want your visitors to be able to register to your site (if your running a social theme or membership site then this is a must) then you need to ensure this box is checked. Leaving this option blank will mean you will need to manually register new users, which is ideal by default for most webmasters.
New user Default Role: If you have chosen to allow users to register as described above, this is where you can choose the role for each new user. In most cases, Subscriber is fine.
Timezone: Here you can set/correct your sites timezone based on your desired locale.
Data/Time Format: Some themes (certainly not all) allow you to choose the format for your content, here is where you can specify a preference but do bare in mind in many cases this may not have the desired effect without some coding.
Site Language: Here you can choose the language used for your WP installation, it not only controls the admin language, but also which PO file is used when translating your theme/plugin.
The post WP Basics – WordPress Settings Overview : General Settings appeared first on TommusRhodus.